Nestled in a prestigious traditional residential area near Kowloon, this classic compound offers convenient access and a spacious, practical layout. The grandeur of its design exudes elegance while providing a tranquil and comfortable atmosphere filled with natural light. Residents can enjoy exclusive amenities, including a swimming pool and tennis court, making this an ideal retreat for relaxation and leisure.
在傳統豪宅的悠然中, 九龍近在咫尺,便捷出行。
舊式大宅,氣派非凡, 空間寬敞,實用無比。
陽光灑落,舒適宜人, 寧靜環境,心靈歸宿。
屋苑泳池,清涼自在, 網球場上,揮汗如雨。
Adv.Date: 16/01/2025